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Short term study visa supporting letter request form
Your details
* Student ID number:
* Family name:
* Given name:
* Email address:
* Current passport number:
Programme title:
Do you require an ATAS certificate?:
Don't know
* Where are you applying for your visa? (please state country):
* Have you had a short-term study visa in the previous 12 months?:
* Why do you require a short-term study visa?:
To repeat a module (referred module)
To resit an exam
To attend a viva
To attend an educational workshop connected to your programme
Other - please state below:
When do you need to return to the UK by? (Leave blank if unknown):
Student declaration
* Student Declaration:
Agree - to confirming that you are fully aware of your responsibility to abide by the conditions of your visa. The University reserves the right not to issue a supporting letter to someone who has intentionally become an over-stayer, does not meet the eligibility criteria for a short-term study visa, has breached the conditions of a previous visa or where there is reason to believe a short-term study visa application will be refused. Completion of this form also grants permission for the University of Hertfordshire to make enquiries with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to confirm your immigration status and history.
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